The 97th Congress of the World Anational Association (SAT) held in Porto (Portugal) from August 5-11, 2024:
– salutes the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, the victory over fascism in Portugal,
– opposes all wars, such as are taking place not only in Europe or the Middle East, but in other regions of the world too, and strongly advocates antimilitarism,
– considering that any capitalist system enables chemical, cereal, cotton etc. agroindustries to monopolize and privatize clean water, even in territories, in which there is a shortage of it due to climate change, supports the movement of trade unions, associations and communities that are struggling for equitable distribution of this vital resource,
– noting that nuclear energy is propagated as “green energy” that produces fewer greenhouse gases, recalls that its production continues to be linked to that of the atomic bomb and remains dangerous due to the risk of accidents, the eternal storage of the toxic atomic waste and the disposal of the nuclear-polluted water in the sea, and that it inhibits energy saving and research on sustainable and renewable energies and their just production,
– condemns the extraction of uranium, mainly in poor countries, as it has dire consequences for them,
– noting that people in richer countries consume more than what is needed in order to live without excess, calls for equitable distribution of essential products (foodstuffs, clothing etc.), also with a view to reducing waste,
– condemns recent attacks by racist right-wing extremists in Great Britain against immigrants and in particular muslims, which are all the more intolerable as lies are used to justify the despicable acts, and denounces the attitude both of the British government, which exploits the occurrences to repress antiracists, and of the press, which has acted analogously; in this framework, the congress supports the activity of movements that oppose such racist barbarity.
Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT)
67 av. Gambetta
FR - 75020 Paris
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IBAN : FR41 2004 1000 0101 2342 2K02 064
Konto de SAT ĉe UEA : satx-s
Konto de SAT ĉe PayPal : financoj_ĉ
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