The 85th Congress of the World Anational Association (SAT), meeting in Yalta (Ukraine) from August 11-18
– insistently calls upon the governments of China, India, Pakistan, Israel, Russia and the United States to sign and ratify the Ottawa Convention, which prohibits all antipersonnel mines, and the Oslo Convention, which prohibits some cluster bombs,
– requests that the President of the Ukraine, who has signed and ratified the Ottawa Convention, speedily destroy that country’s stock of nearly 6 million antipersonnel mines,
– requests the liberation of all political prisoners and expresses its particular opposition to suppression of political free expression throughout the world,
– expresses its satisfaction with rising political consciousness everywhere in the world and its support for and sympathy with people who suffer political and economic oppression,
– expresses its solidarity and stresses its ongoing collaboration with the social movements that are presently developing – greeting in particular the activity of social activists working in Russia and Kazachstan, which was reported to us at this congress,
– expresses its indignation in the face of abominably unjust policies that are pursued by governments throughout the world and cruel suppression of peaceful protesters – in particular in Kazachstan, where dozens of strikers have been killed and hundreds subjected to reprisals.
Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT)
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