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Also in this section

puce Declaration of the 2010 SAT Congress
puce Worldwide Capital Crisis - Worldwide Workers’ Congress
puce Declaration of the 84th SAT Congress – 2011
puce Declaration of the 85th Congress of the World Anational Association – 2012
puce Rise up on May 12th, 2012
puce Saint-Imier 2012
puce Yalta 2012: Beach, Excursions, Popular Education
puce Declaration of the 86th Congress of the World Anational Association – 2013
puce Declaration of the 87th Congress of the World Anational Association – 2014
puce Declaration of the 88th SAT Congress in Nitra – 2015
puce Declaration of the 89th Congress of the World Anational Association – 2016
puce Declaration of the 90th Congress of the World Anational Association – 2017
puce Declaration of the 91st Congress of the World Anational Association (SAT) – 2018
puce SAT membership facing the challenge of new communication technologies

Declaration of the 91st Congress of the World Anational Association (SAT) – 2018

The 91st SAT-congress held in Kragujevac, Serbia from August 5-12, 2018:

— draws attention to the danger of nationalism and in some cases even fascism, which are on the rise worldwide, and points out that SAT members are constantly counteracting it by making practical use of Esperanto in the workers’ milieu and by cultivating the ability to feel, think and act in an extranational way;

— is satisfied to note the talks between North and South Korea;

— condemns the new cold war between the USA and many other NATO members on the one hand, and the Russian Federation on the other;

— calls on everyone to participate in peace movements;

— advocates that financial profit not prevail over social rights;

— notes that the situation of refugees and economic migrants is becoming more and more intolerable, and requests the countries of destination to take action either to end the wars and improve living conditions in the refugees’ countries, or to engage in their favour by creating structures to receive them;

— encourages the various individual and collective efforts aimed at ending planetary devastation, for example: social and ecological political activity, to the extent that enterprises that take advantage of the situation to exploit their workers are not involved, adoption by society of plant-based nutrition, local and ecological consumption, de-growth in production and demography, “happy sobriety†free of self-denial;

— congratulates the workers in the FIAT automobile factory in Kragujevac – who successfully achieved wage increases though strike – for their fruitful militancy and draw their attention to the potential of Esperanto to strengthen, along with other languages, worldwide contacts with workers in the automobile sector of other countries;

— supports all efforts to enable people throughout the world to enjoy decent living conditions, not only in metropolitan locations seeking to concentrate economic and political power, but also in rural locations and in cities of medium size such as Kragujevac.


Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT)

67 av. Gambetta
FR - 75020 Paris

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