Yes to a united world built by the common people everywhere.
Yes to real and just democracy, based on freedom and equality.
By law, everyone enjoys freedom of information and expression, on the international level too.
But in reality, No!
The media bow to the influential rich. Only the elite can communicate fairly easily worldwide - through translators, for money.
Only the very upper crust of society can make itself heard in a relatively satisfactory way!
What about the others - nearly 100%?
Along with our local language we need a common, independent language, within everyone’s reach:
– which puts all cultures on an equal footing within universal human culture,
– and which involves those who are sidelined today in the process of international communication.
Only ESPERANTO allows:
– communication between equals,
– communication that is democratic and fraternal.
Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT)
67 av. Gambetta
FR - 75020 Paris
Retadreso : kontakto_ĉ
Pri financa ?oj : financoj_ĉ
Retejo :
Tel : (+33) 09 53 50 99 58
Po ?tkonto n-ro 1234-22 K, La Banque Postale, Paris
IBAN : FR41 2004 1000 0101 2342 2K02 064
Konto de SAT ĉe UEA : satx-s
Konto de SAT ĉe PayPal : financoj_ĉ
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