The 82nd Congress of SAT (World Anational Association), which convened in Milan July 18th - 24th 2009, emphasizes that its statute encourages the members of SAT to be active in various fields. This year, the congressional theme was Roam without borders, live anationally. The congress-goers of SAT, hosted by the related Italian association ARCI Esperanto, debated about peace, migration, ethical banking, situations in South America, Madagascar, the Middle East and other regions of the world.
The Congress
— reminds the ambassadors of China, Finland, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia and the United States that for many years SAT has written to request that those countries sign the Ottawa Treaty. None of those countries have yet signed it. SAT firmly requests that they sign the Ottawa Treaty without delay.
— emphasizes the right of people everywhere in the world to independently and freely choose to live in the region where they were born, or wherever is suitable, based upon environmental, professional, political and other factors and needs, considering their own interests and the interests of mankind without concern for national or other boundaries.
— has an interest in the project which aims to create the European Ethical Bank (EEB) in 2010, by merging three currently operating ethical banks (Banca Poplare Etica in Italy, NEF in France and FIARE in Spain), based upon belief that the bank will act by more ethical means than other banks.
— recognizes in the activities of ARCI, an Italian workers’ cultural association, a common working spirit and same educational goals, and encourages the members of SAT to independently participate in its activities and so prepare for future collaboration between the two associations.
— acknowledges the importance of the difficulties which face peoples in such regions of the world as South America, Madagascar and the Middle East ; difficulties such as continued development of nationalism and capitalism, and aims for educational interchanges with these peoples to further our common emancipation.
Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT)
67 av. Gambetta
FR - 75020 Paris
Retadreso : kontakto_ĉ
Pri financa ?oj : financoj_ĉ
Retejo :
Tel : (+33) 09 53 50 99 58
Po ?tkonto n-ro 1234-22 K, La Banque Postale, Paris
IBAN : FR41 2004 1000 0101 2342 2K02 064
Konto de SAT ĉe UEA : satx-s
Konto de SAT ĉe PayPal : financoj_ĉ
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